Thread: Xmods 2013 Fall
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Old 10-16-2013, 12:11 PM
targetingxmod targetingxmod is offline
They all fall someday...
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That is your opinion! I respect that! In today's world theres is an app for anything... when they make an app made of women i want 3 app's! To have 4 pussies whenever i go!

Anyway.. only thing they had to make was releasing the same evo street version in 2.4ghz...with other licensed cars, period.

Everybody will be happy. They, because no research and development down the drain to waste $, and customers who loved the older gen's go now for the new's.
Let's hope on "****" that GPM grabs the case and start to make aftermarket upgrades.
Otherwise, nice goal Radioshack! Keep it to the RIP of xmods!

Originally Posted by AntxmodMiniz12322 View Post
You guys are being too optomistic about these hop ups you want. They aren't coming. I have learned over the years that rs doesn't care about toys anymore.

When I got my first xmod I was 7. That was in 05 things where different then. Kids where interested in tinkering and hadent been sucked into technology quite yet. Kids arent interested in physical toys anymore. There's an app for that.....

They aren't going to put rescources into a toy marked to kids that they are going to get this for christmas use once and put it in the closet. Most of the people on this forum are older than 14. We are young adults asking a electronic compqny to make a kids toy that is fun for adults to and too hard to use for kids
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