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Old 12-31-2009, 12:47 AM
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XMDrifter XMDrifter is offline
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i've had those moments, and they have stuck with me in my memory. and yes i too would take a bullet for my loved one, but really, don't wreck your life to save another. instead, just keep building your life up so you have more than enough life to spare for her. do you get what i'm saying?

it seems you're suffering of oneandonly-itis. don't let it pull you down. go ahead and help her. just don't destroy everything that defines you in order to get her back up on her feet. Trust me, you don't want to go there. i've hit that barrier before. it hurts like hell, deep deep in your own self. the faster you get out of that, the faster you can get her out of her predicament as well. you know, there's a saying in my family that goes "A blind man can't take another blind man as a guide." you gotta pull yourself out before you can pull anybody else out.

emo, idc really. you can dress however you want. you can do whatever you want as long as it's not hurting anybody. nobody really cares too much if you cut yourself. they do care if it starts to affect other ppl

Last edited by XMDrifter; 12-31-2009 at 12:51 AM..