Thread: iPad
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Old 04-07-2010, 08:59 PM
Howlsatmoonlight Howlsatmoonlight is offline
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HP has already leaked the HP Slate, which will run on Intel's 1.6GHz Atom compared to Apple's 1GHz A4. The HP Slate will also run on computer software (Win7) while the iPad is running iPhone software (while nice, isn't beastly!). The ability to run Flash (games, videos and many websites) is a huge advantage that the iPad will never be able to touch without running OSX or a heavily updated iPhone software.
The Slate sounds cool, but honestly for a device like this I prefer an OS like Apples, just because everything on the IPad is lightning fast. No lag loading apps, websites, etc. As for Flash, I have to agree with Steve Jobs on this one; Flash is buggy, and is one of the biggest security flaws on the internet. By refusing to use Flash, hes pushing more websites to switch to HTML5 which accomplishes the same thing as Flash, but is more secure. On my laptop running Win7 I have all Flash blocked.
Another major downfall to the iPad is the lack of camera(s), USB port, upgradable memory and the aforementioned Adobe Flash capability. The leaked information on the HP Slate shows the ability to update the memory via SD card readers all the way up to ~120GB with the integrated USB 2.0 slot; along with the 3.5mm headphone jack, HDMI out and SIM card for optional WWAN).
I agree, I shouldn't have to buy a peripheral device to have a USB port, attach a camera or connect via HDMI (All available in the apple store) after spending hundreds of dollars on the device. I do believe the 3g version launching at the end of April has an expandable memory port, but I could be wrong.

IPad- an iPod so revolutionary pant co. Will have to make pockets 75% bigger.

I've seen these and I don't really see an advantage. I have a touch and all I have is lite apps. Paying $15 for a app that sounds cool but sucks is a rip. You'd need a man purse to pack it anywhere.

And why the size? I understand that it may be hard to read small print on a touch or annoying to scroll all the time but that's part of the technological part. Everything has gotten smaller. Until now.
PS3- the slims are like half the size of the phats
cell phones- the brick phone started it and now phones are nothing.
I think you are looking at it backwards. The Tablet PC is more a replacement for Netbooks and Laptops than a large PDA. Whether its the Slate, IPad, or one of the dozens of other Tablet PCs I have seen discussed that will launch in the next year, I think this will replace Netbooks, and become much more common. As for a man purse, I just use a zip up Netbook case I bought at Walmart; A near perfect fit.

EDIT: Mycrors responded while I was typing :P

guys i got it
iPad - and lower grade Ipod Touch with people with fat hands(no offence fat handed people)
The reason i say "lower grade" is because YOU CANT MULTI-TASK.
If its almost 5x the size of an ipod touch, why couldn't add in a multi task feature, even the ipod touch has a multi-task feature. I for one, want to be able to listen to music while browsing the internet.
Also, they couldn't have added a USB port or AT LEAST Flash? Half of everything on the web is practically flash.
I already addressed the Flash issue, but as for Multitasking, everyone that gives me that complaint can only think of one thing they want to multitask, which is music while doing other stuff. It is a rumor that you cannot do this. Its because people want to use a separate downloaded app to play music while doing something else. If you use the built in music player, just like on the Ipod touch, you can do everything you could do on the Ipod. Other than that, you can't multitask on the Ipod either, IE play a game then tab out to write something while the game is still running.

Last edited by Howlsatmoonlight; 04-07-2010 at 09:06 PM..
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