Thread: Pilonidal Sinus
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Old 02-24-2010, 12:50 AM
Howlsatmoonlight Howlsatmoonlight is offline
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Discuss 'IV Sedation' with your anesthesiologist. Despite the name, its not actually sedation, more that it makes you so relaxed you could care less about what is going on, and most times induces amnesia during the time you are under. A lot of docs prefer it because you are still awake and aware enough to answer questions, but you won't remember anything, and when the IV is removed you will feel like no time has passed at all. When I had surgery I was given IV Sedation, and the nurses thought it was funny I came out of it continuing the same conversation I was in the middle of when given the drug. I even asked when the surgery was going to start :P

Another nice benefit is that you are fully awake and aware as soon as the IV is removed, with none of the horrible side effects associated with typical anesthesia. The drug given in the IV is usually a Benzo, like Valium.
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