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Old 02-14-2010, 12:39 AM
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TactiKal TactiKal is offline
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Default Project: APR G35 Widebody Resurrected!!

Okay so here is the link to the original thread when this project began .

Alot happened in my personal life so this project was put on hold. I decided to go back at it from a different anngle this time. At first I was using putty to mold the widebody kit and it was lousy!! Alot of sanding, crumbling, and it was ridiculously I ripped off all of the putty and started from square one. After doing alot of reserach, I decided to attempt the widebody kit out of styrene. I am using .4mm styrene sheets and 1.68x2.29mm styrene sticks (strips). Here is what i've got so far:

Here it is cleaned up and ready for the body work. The stance shown here is pretty accurate as to how it will sit when complete.

I began by glueing the styrene sticks along the edge of the wheel wells to serve as a guide for the styrene sheet widebody fenders.

Here it sits with the styrene sheets added to the front fenders and the styrene sticks glued to the rear fenders for guides.

Let me know what you think. I will update this thread once some more progress is made. I'm a single parent and work for a living so don't expect anything super fast!
formerly txcrawler
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