Thread: Mid life crisis
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:55 PM
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Blackdragon Blackdragon is offline
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Knowing that you are about to go through a mid-life-crisis kind of helps but as I am going through something similar I know that each day can be a bit of a drag when you are figuring out what to do to get through your own personal dilema. Buying a car is out in my book as it does nothing but add to some bills you already don't want to pay and once you over your crisis what do you do with it? I am buying another bike as my last was sold at the urging of my wife. And even though your wife may ride this out with you DON"T listen to her suggestions on what you should do or need to do. That is something you have to figure out on your own as it will be you they affect the most in the end. And if you do go on a small shopping spree, get that stuff you really wanted but make sure it is something that will take a while to put together so you have some time with it and when that feeling hits you go work on it. Or get a bunch of stuff you just hate to look at, take it out back and totally destroy it. May **** off your wife but you will feel better and get to buy new stuff out the deal. My wife is still ****ed at me for destroying my last laptop, and 3 game systems(not naming them as it may cause heart attacks in some younger members). But I have replaced 2 of them and am getting the last one this weekend for a heck of a deal. And to be truthful that is why I traded so many of my cars off. To keep from destroying them I traded the ones that were at the most risk for meeting my car tires or a sledge hammer. Your family needs you and you need them right now. They are not going to understand some of the stuff you are going to do eventually but they should understand. Your wife will understand but if you do what I did she will be mad for a bit but will get over it. I'm sorry this post is so long but I know how you feel. I will be 40 in July and mine started right after my 39th birthday and has been going on for a while so I guess this is a chance for me to get some of it off my chest. I will say if you need to talk to vent or anything just hit me on pm and I will contact you from there. I didn't get much help with mine until close to the end but talking with people who have or are going through it helps a lot. Take care.
I need alloy rims but not the rs alloy rims. If you have some you are willing to part with let me know. Paying top dollar for them and even better if they are top cad alloy rims as I will pay full price and a half for them.
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