Thread: Mid life crisis
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Old 12-15-2009, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by suicide_star View Post
As funny as this sounds, I'm going through something comparable to a midlife crisis. The past two years of my life with my wife had been ridiculously boring, uncomfortable, and annoying, to say the least. I moved out and left her the house about five months ago. I'll be divorced in another month. I currently live with my parents until i buy another house this summer. I just packed up my clothes, a few other things, and brought my Silverado and Blazers here and left everything else there. Before I left, i was drinking a lot, and I NEVER drink, unfortunatley, it was the only way I could stay calm. A few days before i packed up and left, I'd broken, smashed, ripped and destroyed almost everything that I owned and packed it all in garbage bags and threw it away, I'd never felt so insane in my life. Now I'm happier than I'd ever been. I sat here and really thought about it and wondered if I was just making myself think that i was happy with everything, but I really am and it's great. I'm actually dating my first love from High School and we spend loads of time together having fun, which is one of the reasons that I'm not as active on here. One thing that I've learned about life is that you only get one, and if it's not exactly what you want then you need to do something. There's no point in settling for things and remaining comfortable. Like everything in life, achieving happiness or getting what you really want requires going through a little hell. Anyways, good luck with your premeditated midlife crisis.

Did you take it out on Xmods too? D:
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