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Old 10-13-2008, 07:44 PM
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texan_idiot25 texan_idiot25 is offline
Yes, 1945 Cadillac Tank
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Originally Posted by 123Vette View Post
hmmmmm somthing tells me these fast maneuers dont happen when your great grandmother is driving lol, unless you speaking of old peoples veiw of fast (anything higher then 5 below the speed limit) haha
The car was over here this weekend, she was not. I had to go make an oil run and get some air in the tires. Emergency lane changes are met with globs of body roll, once the brakes do decide to stop, quick stops are met with a nose dive and then it bobs in place (infact, it's always bobbing after you stop, no matter how hard), and it leans and sways and bounces over the road. Not in a "I'm gonna die" way like a truck with worn shocks, but in the most comfortable way imaginable.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale
skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive
around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon.

I may be king of the idiots, but my kingdom is vast and my subjects are everywhere
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