Thread: AAA to AA
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Old 03-02-2008, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by theoriganalRiD3R1967 View Post
just wandering why would you want to add weight to truck if its not a crawler, if thats really what you want (weight in a truck) why don't you find a hunk of metal and hide under your body on top of your chasis. if you still decide to use AAs b/c of weight and availability wire them in however you want, (****i have not tried this and don't know if its safe, but i've heard that it works great****) use you 6AA's but swap your capaciter above the moter for a biiger one.
the only reason i would do this is because i havent seen anyone do it and the rear or my f150 will not stay on the ground when i take a corner the wights in the back is a good idea i have a bunch of fake cell phones i can use

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