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microdot 10-09-2008 01:02 PM

Question about Mr-02
I have found a really good deal locally on a mr-02, I was considering picking it up but its only 2wd, can it be upgraded to awd? or do I have to buy a ma-10

TheB1GDude 10-09-2008 01:24 PM

MR-02 is the rear wheel drive chassis so can not be upgraded to AWD, if you wanted AWD you would have to get the MA-010 chassis instead.....

torredo 10-09-2008 01:46 PM


Donziikid 10-09-2008 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by torredo (Post 185972)

Please try to add a little more information to your posts rather than just a "yup" with an up arrow. Many times this can be considered as spam and could result in infraction points. ;)

The MR02 is a 2WD chassis while the MA010 (AWD) is an AWD chassis. There is no possible way, without extensive modifications, to make the MR02 chassis AWD. However, you could remove components from the MA010 (AWD) to make it a RWD/FWD only chassis; but since you purchased an AWD, you mine'as'well just stick to the AWD platform since it is the easiest platform to handle at this small scale.


torredo 10-09-2008 03:33 PM

your kidding me? for real!
i agreed with the post above me as confirmation, not as spam!

sometimes some things are taken far too seriously. come on!

Donziikid 10-09-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by torredo (Post 185979)
your kidding me? for real!
i agreed with the post above me as confirmation, not as spam!

sometimes some things are taken far too seriously. come on!

It's just a friendly reminder, Torredo. Nothing more.

microdot 10-09-2008 05:37 PM

thanks guys didnt know much about the mini-z's and ive been lookin to get a new r/c car, was hoping it'd be like the xmods and i could just ad some parts lol. Oh well ill keep looking around.

torredo 10-09-2008 05:54 PM

You will LOVE the MiniZ even in 2WD form man!!
it is amazing how it performs all around in even stock form.

emjoy and post pics

XMDrifter 10-09-2008 07:26 PM

definitely. mini-z's are so good, it would almost be a shame to put their elecs in the imprecise rolling object called the xmod(even though i love em to death)

2wdpancar 10-11-2008 02:22 AM

I don't get why people are comparing 2wd series, it's not like they are like godly in stock formation... you would basically need a new upper cover, dremel work in front casing, and some sort of servo, and to add in all of those parts it would require much skill, time, effort, and money to do a proper job. Aka if you want 4wd, get an ma-010. If you want a stock class racer, something to throw little money at and be competitive fast, get an mr02.

torredo 10-11-2008 04:51 AM

your right....my mr-02 is a rocket in stock form and i break traction on straights. So...getting the ma010 platform say in stock form would definetly assist this car in staying straight at high speeds alone. But to really put more power to a mr-02 is almost imho...kinda silly as its so nimble but easily thrown of traction threshold. im thinking on getting an ma010 so i really can slap some power into it and keep it on the track.

but i wont even compare a miniz to an xmod, cuz its so far off the charts its not even funny.

microdot 10-11-2008 07:28 AM

I think ill just spend the extra cash and get the ma010, I like the idea of AWD (weather in my r/c cars or my full scale ones :P). The 2wd is cheaper but in the long run I know ill wish I had got AWD. thanks guys.

merc3des 10-11-2008 09:47 AM

Torredo, stop comparing mini-zs and xmods. There is a total difference, and they have a totally different purpose! Xmods are project cars, fun cars, cheap cars. Mini-zs are racing machines, hobby grade, and very expensive. I love mini-zs as a track car; competitive racing machine. My Xmods are just screw around cars, that serve no competitive purpose on the track. Stop bashing xmods, please.

Also the MR-02 has amazing traction and control as it is. MA010 almost has too much traction, personally for me MR-02s are better, easier, and have much more possibilities. And trust me traction isn't a big problem, the control is outstanding on the 02.

The choice is yours, that's just my five cents :lol:


I don't get why people are comparing 2wd series, it's not like they are like godly in stock formation... you would basically need a new upper cover, dremel work in front casing, and some sort of servo, and to add in all of those parts it would require much skill, time, effort, and money to do a proper job. Aka if you want 4wd, get an ma-010. If you want a stock class racer, something to throw little money at and be competitive fast, get an mr02.
Amen. Also its all preference when it comes to mini-zs.

torredo 10-11-2008 01:02 PM

how exactly was my last post bashing xmods?
i was giving a caparison yes...not a trashing! lol

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