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-   -   Enough of the BS already! (http://www.xmodsource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12796)

bondo 04-15-2008 07:33 PM

Enough of the BS already!
OK guys, some of you are taking this section waaaay too literally.
this section was put here for LEGITIMATE Questions / Suggestions / Complaints / Comments but lately it's becoming a place for people to voice their opinions on how they feel the forum should be run.
we dont care if you dont agree that new members should have 200 posts before starting BST threads.
we dont care if you see a "new thread" and think it's a tutorial.

what's even worse is the people who make a thread not to point out potential flaws but to argue and ***** about not having the time to post but want nothing more from the forums then to sell stuff.

bottom line, if you actually knew how a functioning forum worked,you would probably be a staff member.

YES, we still have some kinks to work out but they arent what some of you guys are proposing or complaining about.

if you dont like the way it is now then you should have been here(or keep in mind how it was) when it was under nazi ruling...

quick question for all.
why has there never been a 17 yr old president????

2wdpancar 04-15-2008 07:37 PM

Bondo, I agree with you.
This place is getting a tad crazy with do this please!, president, and b/s/t issues.
I mean you come here, be greatful for this place.

It's funny..so many people are talking about how the forum should run...while we have half the forum taking moderation spots.
Do people start spam threads to jack their count up?
Bondo, do complain questions count as posts?

bondo 04-15-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by blt456 (Post 155491)
Bondo, do complain questions count as posts?

unfortunately, yes.
what i'm wondering is why your here agreeing with me when you where in those threads mixing it up with the rest of em.

2wdpancar 04-15-2008 07:58 PM

I was actually saying all the threads are pointless...I thought that is what you are saying...unless I misread something.

bondo 04-15-2008 08:05 PM

though you may not have been egging them on directly, every time you post in the "pointless" threads your giving them a reason as well as fuel for a rebuttle.

2wdpancar 04-15-2008 08:08 PM

I guess voicing my opinion starts fights...so I'll stop going through the pointless threads, posting, and hopefully you won't get po'd, cool?

Sweed 04-15-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by blt456 (Post 155496)
I guess voicing my opinion starts fights...so I'll stop going through the pointless threads, posting, and hopefully you won't get po'd, cool?

No. Voicing your opinion in a way that is constructive and can help the forum is good. You can read through the pointless threads that get locked and see what not to do and learn from other's (as well as your own) mistakes. You can go through them all you want, nothing is stopping you. All we (well, the rest) ask is that you contribute only if it will move things in a negative direction.

That's how life works. Got something wrong with something? That's great, but do you have a solution or are you willing to work towards a solution?

You know, I though XMF was kinda like AM's ruling of the forum (okay, alittle bit less dictatorship), but I have to say, Bondo is the best thing that had happened to this forum since I was banned from this place under the SR name.

stangdude94 04-15-2008 09:00 PM

props to bondo this place was fine once he took the admin name

any way he is right who cares if you have to get 200 post to have a b/s/t thread i dont mine working to get it

and as for the 17 year old president i think the world would be doom by all the 17 teeners i know lol.

123Vette 04-15-2008 09:21 PM

ive pretty much given up reading most threads becuase of the reason more then half the threads are complete B.S. Then the good threads are full of B.S comments as well. The posts are either unconstructive comments or someone complaining, then people fighting about wheter he has the right to complain and wether or not hes right its gets annoying...

People complain too much... the world isnt your perfect little barbie dream land. Get use to it and deal!

bondo 04-15-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by blt456 (Post 155496)
I guess voicing my opinion starts fights...so I'll stop going through the pointless threads, posting, and hopefully you won't get po'd, cool?

let me start by saying that i'm not trying to single out blt or anyone else.
he was just the first person to speak up.

(aimed at all members)
im not saying you cant voice your opinion but once should be plenty.(as far as pointless threads in general)
ok look, the way i've seen the current pointless threads turn into more is like this.
one person(mostly new members) has a problem or suggestion, they make a thread about it.
nothing wrong with that right?
sometimes there's the occasional member with the perverbial bug up their *** but for the most part most are just curious.

now, another person(mostly members who have been around for a bit) doesnt agree and posts a reply.(or may agree and adds a rude comment to back up their opinion"
still nothing wrong until you look at the reply(ies).
most of the time it's nothing more then an angry/condescending rebuttle intended to do nothing more then make the new member feel dumb for not having read the rules.
kinda like saying "haha, i've been here longer and i've already gotten banned for that....*******"
(add in 10 or so more similar and equally condescending replies within the couple hours it take the thread starter to reply and you have the makings for a flame war.)

by now the original poster may be a bit offended and multi quotes **** near every post before his except this time he adds in some equally rude remarks.
before the new member knows what hit them, they have half of the forum breathing down their neck mods included.
defence mode kicks in and all hell breaks loose.

now,the way i see it is, if you left your original reply to nothing more then why the rules exist or a possible solution to make them better,maybe leave out the condescending tones,everything would be peachy keen.

now, since i've already begun my diatraub,let me explain this from a mod POV.
as mods we have a duty to keep our members safe.
the BST section was put in place long before many of us were here,we're not going to remove it but we MUST keep the members as safe as we can.
when push comes to shove,there really isnt a whole lot that we can do about bad deals other then lock the BST privledges and ban members,neither of wich are going to rectify the problem.
so, we set the requirements high to prevent scammers from coming and taking advantage of the members.

when a mod sees a thread from a new member questioning the BST rules and basically talking down on the forum because of them they may get a bit offended by it. espescially when it's being repeated over and over,espescially when we're the ones who get the nasty PM's and have to try to sort your problems and even moreso when a member has already recieved infractions for neglecting to follow the predtermined rules.

another reason for mods to get offended is other members playing mod.
if you want to point a member to the rules and explain how they've broken them then that's fine but then bans and infractions get brought up.
mods get ****ed about this because it isnt up to anyone but the mods as to who gets points or banned and when a member tells another that their gonna get banned for bringing up an old post or voicing their opinion it makes us look like powerhungry,banstick wielding nazi's.
i believe there are a few members here that can attest to the fact that we're not.
there are quite a few members here that have gotten away with murder and it's because the mods actually believe that everyone has the potential,some just choose to ignore it or are only out to gain profit from others misfortune.
you guys may have noticed that instead of outright banning the latest string of troublemakers,we gave them the benefit of the doubt to show us that they can participate and not stir up a storm cloud every time they get bored or someone ****es in their cornflakes.
i hate to bring him up but Spade is a perfect example.

his fifth post was a stab at XMS and the staff. he racked up enough infractions in his first three days here to buy himself a week long vacation.
instead of letting it go he came back and started right where he left off.
that right there should have bought him a perm ban but we gave him the benefit of the doubt and he got more points,got himself banned for two weeks and instead of getting a clue,he got perm banned the same day he came back for the same reasons.

we dont need crap like that and we're bending over backwards to try to please everyone and not look like(i hate to use this term) old school XMS...:roll:

soap box mode off:

suicide_star 04-15-2008 10:30 PM

well, my only suggestion is that if you have a problem, speak to a moderator or an admin first, rather than making a big thread about it which will eventually wind up ultimately being a battlezone. if your suggestion/question/problem is reasonable, i'm sure the person you pm will help you to the best of their ability, if they won't, maybe you should think about what you asked them and why they don't agree. it's not that hard to be civil.

DrIfToRDIe 04-15-2008 11:53 PM

I find this funny.We need a 17 old president for advice really that would be teh good.

2wdpancar 04-16-2008 12:00 AM

I still don't get how a forum president would be useful.
We have the Presidents already:

stang_racer 04-16-2008 10:25 AM

all i have is one quetion.. and that is isnt this a point less thread because what is it supposed to solve??? and as to the 17 pesifednt thing whay ever it is i dont really care... but all forums are populated by little 14 year olds who think that they know everything when really they know dick all. so all we really need to do to mabey get this forum back to some kind of order is think before we fricken post. here ill list the things you need to think of before you post. First, do i have the item in quetion? Second, do i know someone with the item in quetion? and Third, do i have any eingking of expeirience with the item in quetion? thats all we really need to do and things should get better. (hopefully)

bondo 04-16-2008 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by stang_racer (Post 155544)
all i have is one quetion.. and that is isnt this a point less thread because what is it supposed to solve???

i wouldnt say it's pointless.
it's letting the members know that were not OK with a new complaint thread about the BST rules every week.
these threads are being started by members who said themselves that they dont have the time to meet the requirements.
what that says to me is that we should bend and/or change the rules for these few self serving members.
they arent interested in learning or helping others,they're only here to buy or sell their goods.
this site IS NOT an online store,auction site or craigslist.
it is a forum built by members for members and the BST is a privledge.

the other pointless threads are the:
My thoughts(Probally gonna get banned though)
who cares who's sucking up to who?
what are we going to do, ban members for giving positive feedback?

please do this!
who cares if you see a "new thread" and think it's a tutorial?

and just for fun
this one is border line.
it goes against the rules but i can see where firebird999 was trying to get members to participate more in the forums.
not entirely a bad idea but there's just too many ways for it to go bad conscidering the memberbase.
if you guys can come up with way to stimulate activity then we welcome the suggestions but when you make a thread that belittles the forum or it's members to suit nothing more then your own agenda then it's best you keep it to yourself.
in the same light,if you have a legitimate complaint about something other then rules that you dont feel are right then feel free to complain away but do so in a mature fashion. we're more inclined to respond to a civilized complaint then a rant over how it's not fair that we wont bend the rules for certain members.

if you want to get right down to it,we bend the rules quite a bit just to keep a member base......

if you guys would like, we can make a public courthouse so you guys can see exactly the BS that we have to put up with on an almost daily basis.:lol:
an average of about 3 people per week get infractions or bans.
this is'nt because we're heavy with the hand, it's because half of you can't keep your trap shut when the matter at hand does'nt involve you in the first place and feel you have something irrelevant to add.

THE EDJ 04-16-2008 02:32 PM

This is my opinion of the memberbase in general. Think of each member as a citizen of a nation; each person has rights guaranteed and rules to follow (... to guarantee the rights...). Problems occur when those who think they know all, voice their opinions, as if what they have to say actually really matters. Well lets be honest here. As much as the moderating staff values your opinions, most of them are ignored because they are immature, foolish, and ignorant. We are supposed to be kind and democratic, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time keeping hold of the rules. If you stray to far, you will be punished. That is the basis of most legal systems. I think sometimes we are too nice. Some people just deserve a kick in the arse, and you know what, most of us aren't afraid to do it, because we don't really feel the consequences of that action. But as leadership, we must take ethics into consideration, which means we can't just run around with a ban stick smashing skulls and taking out the low lifes on the forum. They exist, we know who they are, and so do you.

Most of the time we don't care what you think if you are one of the trouble makers and attention getter's. The staff has the power to make you disappear, and trust me dear friends, no one will miss you. Now if you want to make a difference, if you want to be remembered, change your attitudes and learn how to be a benefit to the community. And in the very least, it is better to be forgotten than to be remembered as a criminal.

XMODification 04-16-2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by THE EDJ (Post 155555)
This is my opinion of the memberbase in general. Think of each member as a citizen of a nation; each person has rights guaranteed and rules to follow (... to guarantee the rights...). Problems occur when those who think they know all, voice their opinions, as if what they have to say actually really matters. Well lets be honest here. As much as the moderating staff values your opinions, most of them are ignored because they are immature, foolish, and ignorant. We are supposed to be kind and democratic, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time keeping hold of the rules. If you stray to far, you will be punished. That is the basis of most legal systems. I think sometimes we are too nice. Some people just deserve a kick in the arse, and you know what, most of us aren't afraid to do it, because we don't really feel the consequences of that action. But as leadership, we must take ethics into consideration, which means we can't just run around with a ban stick smashing skulls and taking out the low lifes on the forum. They exist, we know who they are, and so do you.

Most of the time we don't care what you think if you are one of the trouble makers and attention getter's. The staff has the power to make you disappear, and trust me dear friends, no one will miss you. Now if you want to make a difference, if you want to be remembered, change your attitudes and learn how to be a benefit to the community. And in the very least, it is better to be forgotten than to be remembered as a criminal.

THE EDJ has spoken!! :salut:

Totally said it better than I would so i'm not saying anything more :headbang:

Jalengrayson 04-16-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by THE EDJ (Post 155555)
This is my opinion of the memberbase in general. Think of each member as a citizen of a nation; each person has rights guaranteed and rules to follow (... to guarantee the rights...). Problems occur when those who think they know all, voice their opinions, as if what they have to say actually really matters. Well lets be honest here. As much as the moderating staff values your opinions, most of them are ignored because they are immature, foolish, and ignorant. We are supposed to be kind and democratic, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time keeping hold of the rules. If you stray to far, you will be punished. That is the basis of most legal systems. I think sometimes we are too nice. Some people just deserve a kick in the arse, and you know what, most of us aren't afraid to do it, because we don't really feel the consequences of that action. But as leadership, we must take ethics into consideration, which means we can't just run around with a ban stick smashing skulls and taking out the low lifes on the forum. They exist, we know who they are, and so do you.

Most of the time we don't care what you think if you are one of the trouble makers and attention getter's. The staff has the power to make you disappear, and trust me dear friends, no one will miss you. Now if you want to make a difference, if you want to be remembered, change your attitudes and learn how to be a benefit to the community. And in the very least, it is better to be forgotten than to be remembered as a criminal.

that was deep...lol

all is true...even if you don't like the rules...have to follow them...I had to learn that the hard way...:bigwink:

xmodkidd33 04-16-2008 05:33 PM

The Constitution says the president has to be 35. Lol.

I agree with you, Bondo. Banstick time yet?

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