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Skyline5654 03-29-2007 12:46 AM

Xbox 360 2.5
Xbox made it offical, a new xbox 360 will be coming out. It is flat black and so is controller. Sony will have competition now because the xbox 360 2.5 is 120GB!!!!! The price will be $479.99 against Sony PS3 that is 60GB and is $500-600. It will come with all the stuff as the first Xbox 360, and the Xbox 360 2.5 will have the 120GB can be bought indivdual, no price as been set yet nor no release date has been made. Here is a pic, enjoy!

SUPERSHELBY 03-29-2007 12:48 AM

i would still rather buy a PS3, but it would be cool if u could change the lightin color from green 2 like red, blue, orange, ect.

WRX Ryder 03-29-2007 01:05 AM

:) i read that in game informer(i prefer nintendo power) but yeah but i think its a little to late alrdy.WII PWNZORS!!

ravevolution 03-29-2007 03:16 AM

ya i think its a bit too late for the XBox 360 'Elite' as they call it.

Think they wanna step up their game and compete with the PS3 and its capabilities. heard its coming out in April or May.

I just know I'm goin to pass on this and go for the PS3 since the games coming out soon are for that system. WOOT! GTA IV (trailer is suppose to be up soon):)

Sweed 03-29-2007 07:12 AM

But then again, my brother claims to have started seeing Halo 3 comercials... Time to start saving up for the Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox 360....

NON_SKID 03-29-2007 03:58 PM

its coming out april 29 saw it on the news this morning

kidZim 03-30-2007 01:32 PM

I got one pre-ordered... :) Anyone want to buy one (with controller, HDD, and custom faceplate {1 of 5000}?)

Just kidding.. I would only get one if it were hot pink or lime green (GO WII)

r/cdrifter7 03-30-2007 03:58 PM

wii sucks

anyways it looks pretty sweet. i love that color.

kidZim 03-30-2007 05:56 PM

Shut up, you biased nub.

SUPERSHELBY 03-30-2007 05:57 PM

i feel a flame war comin

kidZim 03-30-2007 05:59 PM

Honestly.. I bet any money he has never played a Wii.. I have a 360, and played every console.. Wii is the most entaining

WRX Ryder 03-30-2007 06:11 PM

but gutar hero for ps2 is fun.but yes wii is teh 1337.ok i dont want to start a flame war so i guess ill have to say something good about the 360.
Bill gates just wants more money:)

imnotmikal 03-30-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by WRX Ryder (Post 83997)
but gutar hero for ps2 is fun.but yes wii is teh 1337.ok i dont want to start a flame war so i guess ill have to say something good about the 360.
Bill gates just wants more money:)

they are making it for X360 also. :nod:

and i would love to get one of these! :colglma:

mustang-04 03-30-2007 09:30 PM

ive never played wii so i cant comment on it. im waiting on a ps3.. graphics is where its at this day n age, and the wii just doesnt compete in my humble book.. besides, if i want to go bowling ill go to the bowling alley, oh wii why?

2 cents

bondo 03-30-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by kidZim (Post 83993)
Wii is the most entaining

and i'm willing to bet you feel this way because your 12.
nintendo has always been marketed towards a younger audience.
once gamers mature and realise that there are better games that dont require a certain number of rings collected or triangle peices sought, they opt for a better platform.
nintendo was great for a bit.then came the begginning of the end.
any old school gamer knows exactly what im talking about,...........nintendo 64.
they were trying to compete with sony and were still on cartridge.
ever since then, nintendo has been 2 steps behind.
the onlt thing seperating the wii from others right now is the motion sensetive controller wich is more hassle then it's worth.
if i wanted to get that involved with bowling,fishing,golfing,etc. then i'd go bowling,fishing or golfing.
so on to the only two platforms that matter:
IMO PS3 just got pimp slapped.
microsoft knew what they were doing because i've heard of the elite days before the PS3 was to be released.
micro soft basically said"here's a cheap down graded version of what were comin with"
sony answered with the PS3 and microsoft trumped em with the original model they had planned.

the only thing that is keeping sony in the game right now is top notch exclusive titles.
when the GTA double pack was released for xbox, their sales jumped 30% in a week proving this point.
when gta.SA was released it was another 15%

if microsoft gets ahold of some of the exclusive contracts then it's all over for sony.


imnotmikal 03-30-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by bondo (Post 84049)
and i'm willing to bet you feel this way because your 12.
nintendo has always been marketed towards a younger audience.
once gamers mature and realise that there are better games that dont require a certain number of rings collected or triangle peices sought, they opt for a better platform.

i have friends in college that will play the wii some to get there mind off of tests and crap, and they like it, because of the games require you to be a little more active than others. i'm willing to bet thats one of the reason you dont like the wii, is being acive.

and i think once gamers mature, they will notice that they cant spend there free time playing games, but something productive, or something with a salary. not spend money on a new system.

bondo 03-30-2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Knvictd (Post 84054)
i have friends in college that will play the wii some to get there mind off of tests and crap, and they like it, because of the games require you to be a little more active than others. i'm willing to bet thats one of the reason you dont like the wii, is being acive.

and i think once gamers mature, they will notice that they cant spend there free time playing games, but something productive, or something with a salary.

man, i can tell you right now that im more active then most.
i run a buisness and have side jobs on top of all of the honey-do's and yard/housework, not to mention the xmods,cars and motorcycle projects, yet i still find time to get me a good gaming session in atleast 4-5 times a week.
video games are meant to be just that.
pretty soon there is going to be a point where noone will go out and do a **** thing because they can just sit at home and do it with a controller even though it will never be close to the real thing.
you cannot swing an 8OZ. controller the same way you can swing an oversized driver or a loft wedge therefore it will never be realistic.
like i said, if i wanted to get that involved i would go play a round.

i hear what your saying about buying a new system though.
they get more and more expensive. thats why i let my freinds buy them and then hang out at their houses.
i have an xbox,ps1,ps2, 3 nintendo's,1 nintendo64,1 sega saturn, 1 atari jaguar, and an intellivision.
the only ones i have hooked up are the ps2 and the xbox. the rest are for nostalgia and collecting.

call me a purist but video games are meant to be played sitting down while eating cheetos and drinking faygo red pop.

imnotmikal 03-30-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by bondo (Post 84062)
man, i can tell you right now that im more active then most.
i run a buisness and have side jobs on top of all of the honey-do's and yard/housework, not to mention the xmods,cars and motorcycle projects, yet i still find time to get me a good gaming session in atleast 4-5 times a week.
video games are meant to be just that.
pretty soon there is going to be a point where noone will go out and do a **** thing because they can just sit at home and do it with a controller even though it will never be close to the real thing.
you cannot swing an 8OZ. controller the same way you can swing an oversized driver or a loft wedge therefore it will never be realistic.
like i said, if i wanted to get that involved i would go play a round.

call me a purist but video games are meant to be played sitting down while eating cheetos and drinking faygo red pop.

i didnt mean you, i meant like people in general dont like it because they have to be active.

bondo 03-30-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Knvictd (Post 84063)
i didnt mean you, i meant like people in general dont like it because they have to be active.

just an example man:bigwink:

Archon_Ramie 03-31-2007 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by bondo (Post 84062)
call me a purist but video games are meant to be played sitting down while eating cheetos and drinking faygo red pop.

I agree with this statement completely. Except for the Faygo part, how anyone can drink that swill is beyond me. ;)

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