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lilskipro587 03-18-2008 05:57 PM

Live For Speed.
Well considering I think this gaming corner is the best part of the forum I would like to make my own contribution. I'm sure some of you have played it or heard of it but it's called Live for Speed or LFS for short. It is a racing simulator for the computer. There are no arcade modes or driving assistants. It is an all out you-better-hope-you-know-how-to-drive simulator. There is a demo that has 3 cars including one indy type BMW race car then there is also the paid for version called S2 and that is what I have. It gives you many different cars and tracks to test your ability. I'll throw some screen shots out here for an example. www.lfs.net
The whole photobucket resizing thing is annoying so I'm not going to resize them. Sorry.

Stampedekid 03-18-2008 06:11 PM

Looks cool! How much was the entire game?

mustanglover 03-18-2008 06:13 PM

i have this game! pretty fun.

lilskipro587 03-18-2008 06:15 PM

It was something like $40. Yes expensive but worth it in more ways than explainable!

Lowrideit 03-18-2008 08:58 PM

I seen this before,
I was gonna do it, then I found out its 40 bucks and it didnt look worth it,
Maybe I will,
I found a cooler game though, Its called Bmw challenge, or M3 challenge I forget, You can pick a bunch of m3s, Tune them alittle, and run them online against others, Its fun.

xmodificationer 03-20-2008 05:19 PM


I just downloaded it its pretty cool. Surprisingly my computer runs it fine.

Nocten 03-20-2008 05:35 PM

Looks cool.
I'm in the process of downloading it.
Exactly how many cars do you get once bought it?

lilskipro587 03-20-2008 06:30 PM

You get 3 on the demo and 25 when you buy the game.

xmodscarbon's_lost 03-20-2008 06:31 PM

What kind of cars do you get on the free one?

lilskipro587 03-20-2008 06:32 PM

You get a ford focus equivalent, a small 2 wheel drive type car and a BMW indy type car. Look at the above screen shots from everyone but me and you can see what cars.

xmodscarbon's_lost 03-20-2008 06:34 PM

cool 60% done so far cant wait to install it.

fieldfairy2 03-20-2008 06:38 PM

looks cool. I have to go play it. I know what you mean with photobucket's new resizing thing. I found a way around it. Before you upload your pics. THere is an options button on top of the upload box. click on it and move down and click on the size you want. THen upload. The pics uploaded should be the size you picked.(i just did it now for my crawler thread, and it worked) sorry for jaking your thread.

xmodificationer 03-20-2008 06:43 PM

I have always had them automaticly resized

lilskipro587 03-20-2008 06:49 PM

I like larger sizes generally but I can't post that so sometimes I change before i upload.

lilskipro587 03-21-2008 08:00 PM

Yes, double post, I know. But I wasn't running windows media player and hit 205 fps haha.

mustanglover 03-21-2008 08:02 PM

why must you taunt us...

XMDrifter 03-21-2008 09:21 PM

that's...um...*cough* a very good computer.
it costs 48 bucks to unlock the whole thing, 28 bucks to unlock the S1 half of it

yes you get a front wheel drive GTi equivalent
you get a FC3S dewinged non-turbo RX-7 equivalent
and a formula 1 equivalent

and jeezuz. a whole 205.1 fps...dang, i gotta show my friend Winston what he's missin'(he clains he can pwn anyone in a game while he gets 123 fps at full capacity)
and how much did it cost to build your computer?

lilskipro587 03-21-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by XMDrifter (Post 151231)
and how much did it cost to build your computer?

Oh, only about $400-500. I know where to get good deals and how to build it right.

taiwanesekid05 06-19-2010 03:19 AM

Hey guys, sorry for this massively old thread bump, but does anybody still play this game?

lol 06-19-2010 03:21 AM

If its free, I wouldn't mind playing. CS:S, DOD:S, HL2DM are getting boring for me.

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