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shmokinmonki 11-10-2006 09:24 PM

What no brakes
Has anyone found a solution to to having no brakes?

I noticed the other day (I dont use the brake often!), that the car would roll on when braking. Very occasionally you can visibly see the cars wheels locking up around 1 try in 10.

Spec:Supra Gen1
Suspension upgrade
Stage 2 (red)
Bearing upgrade
Tyres upgrade

Now before anyone replies, no I have not touched the ariel, no I havent dropped or crashed it and I cannot get another remote to try, so any ideas?
Because you know I need a brake (ish;))

I just hope someone can help???

ravevolution 11-10-2006 10:16 PM

The technique I've used is you quickly tap reverse on the controller, that has done some nice stops:)

ferrarip4.5 11-10-2006 10:26 PM

the stage 2s have less torque than stage 1s and also you used awd AND the red motor, so thats a even bigger load on the motor, it needs alot of torque to lock the wheels.

one simple solution is to put spin brushes magnets ( i researched and they are ferrite magnets) into stage 1 or stage 2, i put them in stage 1, it gives me monster torque.

also what kinda racing do you do, if drifting you can totally get the drift kit it wil work good with high torque motor get you some drifting action. i drift with rwd and the new magnets are so powerfull that i have to use the low throttle setting or else the car would spin uncontralably. i dont know if that helps.

shmokinmonki 11-11-2006 12:17 PM

thanks for the reply guys,

Yup i've tried just about every braking medium with the TX

I must admit the stage 2 motors are less torque'y, and I didnt notice the lack of braking until I went to stage 2 so you could be right, but its still odd how occasionally it will lock the "brakes".

To answer the question about racing type, well I dont race as per say but have modded her (its a she, there all tempramental) to drift and race. She drifts very well at a good speed between 5 and 10 mph on hardwood flooring.
I also cannot be that bothered with changing magnets
The only reason I chose a X-Mod was to fulfill my RC needs when its to wet or windy for my heli (Twister V2) or plane (winged dragon sportster). Not many people my age go racing X-Mods (I'm 32)

One thing I will say is these little wonders are great for teaching (I teach apprentice's mechanics), I've used it to show suspension movement (toe,camber, caster) as i have done a few mods and engine torque Vs speed.

ferrarip4.5 11-11-2006 12:23 PM

well i dont know exactly what you define drifting, it seems like you dont have awd or drift kit, with a weak stage 2 i really dont think you can drift.

shmokinmonki 11-11-2006 04:46 PM

Erm.......read the first post (mine with the spec at the bottom) you will see AWD which stands for..........All wheel drive, and as for not drifting with a stage 2 red all i can say is if you have done the camber mod (front and rear), used the correct tyres for the surface your on, used the correct tie rod and have the correct suspension stiffness then yes you can drift.
When I drift i tend to do it with more revs and start the drift at a higher speed for more long controlled sweeping drifts, but you can still do the crappy do-nut thing , it depends on the throttle position.

Please remember I teach automotive mechanic's for a living and to drift is all about suspension telemetry. The engine (or motor in this case) is just the controlling method of speed and drift control unless your starting to drift from stand still where higher torque is required aka wheel spin. It's alot to do with co-effiecient of friction and tyre slip angle and depending on the cornering "G" very little torque is actually required to create loss of traction, hence thats when a good suspension set up is required,thats another story.
I dont have much of a clue on electronics, hence wondered if it was the controller throttle at fault.
Anyway sorry for the lecture (its what i do for a living:)), but I might have just confused there or even helped someone and yes I do know what drifting is ;)

Any way back to the issue of my brake or lack of it any more clues ??? , maybe a controller modsfor a more responsive throttle?

ferrarip4.5 11-11-2006 09:29 PM

you are saying stage 2 9 tooth is enough torque to drift a awd? do you have drift kit or just hard tires?

shmokinmonki 11-12-2006 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by ferrarip4.5
you are saying stage 2 9 tooth is enough torque to drift a awd? do you have drift kit or just hard tires?

yes that right, remember once you loose friction between the tyre and road sufrace, very little torque is required. That is done by various driving styles,

a quick tap of the brake (no torque required),

a flick of the steering (no torque required),

then theres the throttle blip (torque required to break co-effiecience of friction between road and tyre).

I use hard tread tyres and drift on laminated flooring but remember I have done the camber mods too, which helps alot.;)

ferrarip4.5 11-12-2006 01:18 PM

i gotta see a vid of you drifting, if that too much trouble? if not plz post one

shmokinmonki 11-15-2006 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by ferrarip4.5
i gotta see a vid of you drifting, if that too much trouble? if not plz post one

I will when i get chance i will. Im too busy with work at the moment, but i will try to when im free.
I've also cracked most of my plastic Wheel nuts and i'm waiting on my new shiny lock nuts to arrive, I cannot afford to lose a wheel again. The last time the dog nearly ate it as it span off!!!:eyecraz:

tre_11 11-15-2006 10:08 PM

hey ferrarip4.5 how come u dont believe him????

ferrarip4.5 11-16-2006 04:18 PM

i just need to see it man

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