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bosco72 11-05-2008 02:55 PM

I am so happy that Obama won.This is the day that USA became 1.I did not like my country for a while.But last night made me love this country more then i ever did.ANY THING IS POSSIBLE IN THE USA

texan_idiot25 11-05-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by fiberworkz (Post 190279)
This is a good theory but oil companies only keep a very small percentage of what they make. The people who are making the money are the government and the oil providing countries. Oil companies still make alot more than you or I but they work for it too.

For those who complain about large oil companies like Exxon, who owns Exxon?

The CEO's? Nope, they get a fairly small amount of the total profit.
That rich guy down the street? Possibly, depends on his investments.
That middle class kid in Texas? Hell yes I do.

People own these large oil companies. They are the ones who make the profits based on dividends and trading prices. It's hilarious to hear everyone complain about Exxon making record profits, and then explaining how it's the public who owns the company and in the end makes the money.


Originally Posted by zippo855 (Post 190292)
i voted mccain, i have some issues with some of his ideas. specifically 2nd ammendmant rights, his ideas on the economic reform, wealth distribution, etc. i believe some of his gun control ideas are a joke. i believe that if you take guns away, only the criminals will still have guns.

Name 3 people where gun control worked successfully to the leaders intentions: Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam. Just sayin'.


Originally Posted by HUMMER H4 (Post 190321)
You guys shouldnt be in the dumb poll talking shyt! CNN is the place for Politics....Btw Obama's our next president...Mwahahahhah!

CNN is liberally biased like mad. Can't really listen to any of the Alphabet stations and get unbiased info.


Originally Posted by civic_guy (Post 190344)
Shame on me for what? Expressing my opinion? I didn't mention anything about this historical aspect of this race; its a sad day in history when the american people are too stupid and uneducated to realize who they REALLY elected. Why don't you stop nut riding and following along like a sheep and learn to think for yourself.

You're right. I don't want to accept this change. This is socialism. Obama is a socialist. I'll be the first to say it: I don't like Obama and I don't like the "change" he is bringing.

I'll keep my freedom, my guns, my morals, and my money. YOU can keep the change.

Under obama, the only change you will have is the change in your pocket.

Amen brotha. It's scary to read about Obama's plans in truth. He is a helluva speaker, and helluva politician, and I'll give him that. It's how he won the electing, his face to the more ignorant voters convinced them what he says is good, when most all of that contradicts good business, economics, and freedom. But his socialistic economic plans will ruin this country. You think gas prices were bad? You think taxes are unfair? You think jobs (which, by all means, the rich americans provide and invest in) are hard to come by? You think "Wallstreet was running loose"?

Just wait awhile. May not be during Obama's 4 years, but in a decade or so. Our children will have to start in this man's plan.


Originally Posted by bosco72 (Post 190390)
I am so happy that Obama won.This is the day that USA became 1.I did not like my country for a while.But last night made me love this country more then i ever did.ANY THING IS POSSIBLE IN THE USA

If you didn't like the country, then you had all means to leave. What sort of change are you expecting?

To those who did vote obama on his slogan of "Change", I ask this one question that not a single pro-obama student has been able to answer at my school in our debates:

What is "Change", what exactly is he going to "Change" America into?

Think about it.

TheB1GDude 11-05-2008 05:14 PM

Don't forget that Obama has a lot of smart people behind he may have won because of how smooth he is but those people are going to be helping him run the country and that's what counts....

All the republicans have got so caught up in non-important issues they screwed themselves out of this election.... give them 4 years to get some fresh faces in the party and they'll be stronger than ever and will most likely be re-elected.

For the next 4 years let the democrats do their thing... after all its not like they can make the country any worse.....

suicide_star 11-05-2008 05:42 PM

i personally like McCain more because i'm opposed to strict gun laws and socialism (the first cousin of communism) we've already put in our order for "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for McCain" bumper stickers.

texan_idiot25 11-05-2008 05:51 PM

But I ask, how is the country worse? What caused the Economic problems that we have now? GDP is what measures how "good" a country is, and based off the chart we saw last week, the USA is #1 amung the large nations, excluding the EU which is a collection of countries.

What exactly did bush do to "ruin" the country?

This is where I have my problems with Obama's socialistic ideals. Fannie and Freddy were originally Gov't funded banks that started after the depression. Socialist start, some-what, the Gov't did set them up. Now, when the Gov't stepped in (socialism showing it's head again) and told banks including Freddy/Fannie that they must approve (X)% of sub-prime loans per year, the banks started taking risky maneuvers, and very risky loans in order to appease this sub-prime requirement. When the people who were given loans THAT THEY COULD NOT OTHERWISE AFFORD TO PAY FOR went bankrupt to stop the debt collectors or foreclosed on homes, the banks lost huge amounts of money in those loans, and the risky business practices that they used to help make money off those sub-prime loans, failed too and caused banks to collapse.

So, socialism rears it's head again to "bail out" the banks, and now the Gov't owns banks, to "save them". 700 billion dollars, and counting. Of who's money? Yours and mine. We have to pay for the mistakes that the heads of these companies made, from some Gov't intervention that didn't need to happen in the 1st place.

Another thing, anybody noticed that Obama's camp keeps changing the bar at which he will tax upper-income people? Started at $250k, than down to $200k, than it as of a few weeks ago became $125k.

Biting more and more into the incomes of people who provide jobs, own businesses, and invest in lesser-income people (think start up companies).

If your penalized for making money, do you want to continue making more money? And I can provide a very prime example of this as well.

I'm 100% for a fair, free-market with the least amount of Gov't intervention. Take the black market for example. No rules, no intervention, the purist of supply and demand there is and look at how well people tend to do there.

And last, my short feelings for Obama: I agree with him as a person on many views, and very much respect the "rags-to-riches" story he has, but as a politician and leader of the US, don't agree with anything.

mustang-04 11-05-2008 05:57 PM

i blame mass media, email this and text that for this bandwaggon election.. people in general are all caught up in the speed of thier everyday life, they feel somthing deeper is happening than just another election. like somthing is going to change the path of mankind blah blah

2 cents, ill shuddup now

jimmythekid1 11-05-2008 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Donziikid (Post 190378)
I am in no way surprised by the turnout of this 2008 Presidential Election.

I cannot agree more. There is no way one single person is going to create a mass "change" in a country of over 300 million people. It takes those 300 million to become educated about what is actually going on in their lifes (whether it's money, laws or whatever) before any sort of "change" is going to take place.

The major problem I have with this election is the fillibuster effect. The Democratic party will now be controlling a major part of the United States Government practically making it possible for anything they want to get passed as a law passed and there's very little other political parties can do about that.

Just look at Michigan we has been majority democrat for years, look at how our economy has gone. Now the rest of the country is like us. Actually the majority of the house has been democrat the last 4 years maybe some people should reconsider blaming bush for the economic crash.

bosco72 11-05-2008 06:33 PM

If you didn't like the country, then you had all means to leave. What sort of change are you expecting.

First i was born here just like my grandmother.I did not like this country for the past 2 years.But last night opened my eyes that this country for the first time became 1.i think he will make Alot of change for the better.You are so quick to judge him.But you probly voted for bush Jr. 8 years ago.

Bush, Daddy was first a ***** as a vice president for Regan.Then usa made him president.Then Put his dumb *** kid as president.Who bankrupts how many companies before we made him president.He was a joke, im so happy he is gone.Maybe our BROTHERS AND SISTERS will come home from this war for OIL.

Texan.. you have no clue who runs this country.The oil runs this country.Put it this way they don't get taxed.They do a service for this country they say.What about the DR's who saves our lives everyday they get taxed.Or our troops who dies for this country they pay taxes.so don't sit there and say oil companies make no money.Then when we bailed out the banks.What did they do. they all took trips On our hard working money.

texan_idiot25 11-05-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by bosco72 (Post 190437)
.i think he will make Alot of change for the better.

Why do you think he will "Change" things.

You answer like the other pro-Obama people I've asked during today. What "change" will happen, what do you believe he will actually "Change" the US into? You have yet to give an objective answer to what sort of "Change" your expecting from an Obama presidency. That is the question that so many avoid. All I've heard is "I think I think I think I think", but no one has given an objective view as to how he will "Change" America for the better, despite his economic and political ideals that go against the US's democracy and capitalist-freemarket ways.

I'm far from quick to judge, unlike many I read into facts, past his speeches.


.I did not like this country for the past 2 years...
You think the past 2 years were bad? Read Jimmy:

Actually the majority of the house has been democrat the last 4 years maybe some people should reconsider blaming bush for the economic crash.
Truly you knew that democrats were running the house while the Economy started to tank hard.


Texan.. you have no clue who runs this country.The oil runs this country.Put it this way they don't get taxed.They do a service for this country they say.What about the DR's who saves our lives everyday they get taxed.Or our troops who dies for this country they pay taxes.so don't sit there and say oil companies make no money.Then when we bailed out the banks.What did they do. they all took trips On our hard working money.
Your kidding right? Back that whole paragraph up with citations and facts. Yes oil companies are taxed the same way another company is. They are one of the main infrastructures of the US, and the world.

The Oil does not run the country, oil is a dense liquid. It is not a person, but a product. But...

W/Out oil, the plastic IV that the doctors use feeds medicine to the injured patient would not be here. I can't even count the many medications that have base products from crude oil. Not to mention any solid object used today in medicine that is a petroleum product.

W/Out oil, the composite armor, the technology, the weapons and the fuel that powers the vehicles that transport and protect our soldiers would not be here.

Hell, w/out oil, there would be nothing for the men you mention to do the jobs they do four our country.

And find me the proof of the vacations these Exec.'s took kiddo.

And when we bailed out the banks, what gov't idea was this? SOCIALIST, and what sort of ideals does Obama have? Well I'll be ****ed if spreading the wealth ain't SOCIALISM. You sir, have contradicted yourself.

taiwanesekid05 11-05-2008 06:55 PM

Think about this. If Bush was such a bad president, how did he get elected not only once, but twice. You have to give it to him he was quite the strategist. And if you just say Bush sucks because everyone else said so or Obama should win because everyone else says so, what's the point of even saying it. You're not expressing your opinion, you're expressing what everyone else expects you to say. Unless you have cold hard facts, there's no point. Sure, it's sad that McCain lost, but think about it (again) some southern states are cold hard racist. For example, my cousin used to live in Oklahoma, and once she was rejected at a McDonalds because she was Asian. Having Obama as a president kinda sorta showed the racists. If I could vote, I would have chosen Steven Colbert, but both parties rejected him, so screw that...

And the one thing I hate most about after election day is how everyone says "Omg, ________ won!" Well no crap. Everyone heard, everyone knows. No need to say it again.

And Obama cannot exactly change America, the House, Congress, and Obama have to change it. Obama isn't the dictator of America, he's only the president. Remember checks and balances in History class?

jimmythekid1 11-05-2008 07:07 PM

I supported McCain, I don't have a party i pick who i feel will get the job done best. But the polls are closed and Obamas the man, I do feel he is a strong leader, I'm a little afraid he is going to spend too much money but we will have to wait and see. I was back and forth on this election, I do think Obama will grow into a good president. He seems to be willing to say if he is wrong and change is option on matters. At the risk of sounding racist I do think he is a good role model for his people. Much better then some of these athletes like Terrel Owens and Ocho Cinco.

zippo855 11-05-2008 07:08 PM


I dont know about any of you but just looking at some of the things he wants to ban, concealed carry, certain ammo. i have read a lot in gun magazines about the things he is wanting to ban. there is a majority of ammo used in hunting that he wants to ban.
just a couple of excerpts
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.5
FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.2
if i use agun in self defense he still thinks i should get prosecuted for it. come on i am defending myself but its my fault that i had to defend myself.
house - democrat majority
congress - democrat majority
president - democrat.
tell me how he wont get pretty much anything passed he wants?

texan_idiot25 11-05-2008 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by chinesekid05 (Post 190442)
how did he get elected not only once, but twice.

Well Bob Dole and John Carry weren't exactly lovely alternatives. :lol:

Originally Posted by chinesekid05 (Post 190442)
win because everyone else says so, what's the point of even saying it. You're not expressing your opinion, you're expressing what everyone else expects you to say.

Agreed :)

Originally Posted by chinesekid05 (Post 190442)
Unless you have cold hard facts, there's no point. Sure, it's sad that McCain lost, but think about it (again) some southern states are cold hard racist. For example, my cousin used to live in Oklahoma, and once she was rejected at a McDonalds because she was Asian.

No southern state is cold hard racist, and that statement starts to go way out of line. Refer to the 1st sentance, unless you have the cold hard facts... etc etc. How do you know that was not just an isolated incident with that specific store? Did she get a job somewhere else in Oklahoma? If so, then obviously it's not stone cold racist. Heck, if I recall right a local black politician here in TX ran for the GOP to be nominated as a Republican candidate IIRC.

GearHeadV8 11-05-2008 07:44 PM

Well i was all pro obama but after reading all of texans posts i am leaning more towards mccane cause now i am thing wat "change"is

bosco72 11-05-2008 08:00 PM

Bush was voted again because you don't change presidents in a middle of a war.

Originally Posted by chinesekid05 (Post 190442)
Think about this. If Bush was such a bad president, how did he get elected not only once, but twice. You have to give it to him he was quite the strategist. And if you just say Bush sucks because everyone else said so or Obama should win because everyone else says so, what's the point of even saying it. You're not expressing your opinion, you're expressing what everyone else expects you to say. Unless you have cold hard facts, there's no point. Sure, it's sad that McCain lost, but think about it (again) some southern states are cold hard racist. For example, my cousin used to live in Oklahoma, and once she was rejected at a McDonalds because she was Asian. Having Obama as a president kinda sorta showed the racists. If I could vote, I would have chosen Steven Colbert, but both parties rejected him, so screw that...

And the one thing I hate most about after election day is how everyone says "Omg, ________ won!" Well no crap. Everyone heard, everyone knows. No need to say it again.

And Obama cannot exactly change America, the House, Congress, and Obama have to change it. Obama isn't the dictator of America, he's only the president. Remember checks and balances in History class?

taiwanesekid05 11-05-2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by bosco72 (Post 190470)
Bush was voted again because you don't cahnge presidents in a middle of a war.

Then why did Obama get voted in a president? True, he had to get voted in, but if this was true, then McCain would have been voted in because he would have been more like Bush.


Originally Posted by texan_idiot25 (Post 190448)
No southern state is cold hard racist, and that statement starts to go way out of line. Refer to the 1st sentance, unless you have the cold hard facts... etc etc. How do you know that was not just an isolated incident with that specific store? Did she get a job somewhere else in Oklahoma? If so, then obviously it's not stone cold racist. Heck, if I recall right a local black politician here in TX ran for the GOP to be nominated as a Republican candidate IIRC.

Well, true. But to those racists out there, ha.

zippo855 11-05-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by bosco72 (Post 190470)
Bush was voted again because you don't cahnge presidents in a middle of a war.

i am sure that was the only reason he was reelected........................

texan_idiot25 11-05-2008 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by bosco72 (Post 190470)
Bush was voted again because you don't cahnge presidents in a middle of a war.

:roll: Because that makes total sense right.

I have yet to hear of this "change" that Obama will bring.


Well, true. But to those racists out there, ha.
True, but racist are everywhere. You can more than bet race had to do with Obama's win, but that's a debate I think we should leave alone. I've applauded that Obama never pulled the race card (got suckered into some statements though) in the campaign. Lets do the same.

WhiteMKIV 11-05-2008 08:26 PM

Obama wants to "go green" or w/e he wants to find other ways to use energy. McCain had my vote, Till he had Sarah Palin as his vice president, im not being sexest or anything but she just rose the "fishy" smell when she spoke. plus she always awswered like george bush with the "uh uh uh uh uh uh uh"

bosco72 11-05-2008 08:31 PM

Taxen what will Mc cain do.So what will MC main Do for this country.Oh i know stay in war and kill more of our brothers and sisters For oil.Oh thats right you live in texas so you want the oil to.The oil compaines reather see american blood spilt then give up the oil.Mc Cain will do the same has Bush give to the rich and screw the poor.Obama will take from the rich.what they should been paying and give to the poor.Oh buy the way there not taxed.Take your blinders off. no more rich old farts trying to get there name in the history books.America was tired and we spoked.The point you don't get is im saying im proud to be here because we did not see color for once.We seen a man that when he spoke we believed.Thats why Obama won.By the way texan don't get mad im only saying what i think.Don't take this to heart.

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