View Full Version : Xmods being sold at The Source by Circitm City~!

08-19-2005, 10:41 AM
Alright Canadians, as most of you know sine the Souce took over Radioshack, they stopped selling Xmods. Well last night when I asked about why they stoped, the guy I new ( Iused to work at the radioshack at the same location) said I will let you in on a secret and took me out back. There was about 20-25 XMods being prepped to sell, they will start selling Xmods in Canada next wednesday! and we will be getting the new stuff sometime befor Christmas! (I.E. The underglow, new models, alloy rims etc....) Enjoy :)

08-17-2006, 04:33 PM
Nice im from canada 2
those source guy said there wasent sell anymore...

08-17-2006, 04:38 PM
A Rule here is not to bring back old posts... read the year he made this post in 2005...